04 Juli 2017

FA-50PHs Now Armed with Air-to-Ground Missiles

04 Juli 2017

FA-50PH with AGM-65 Maverick missile (photo : Update)

Philippine Air Force’s FA-50PHs are now armed with AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground tactical missile (AGM) designed for close air support, this was highlighted by Pinoy Aviators Facebook page.

This was evidenced by FA-50PHs aircraft displayed during the 70th anniversary celebration of Air Force held today in Clark Air Base.

The said aircraft were also armed with AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missile and unguided Mark 82 low-drag general-purpose bomb.

One of the celebration’s highlight was the presentation of certificate of complete delivery for 12 FA-50PH ‘Fighting Eagle’ Fighter/Surface Attack/Lead-in Fighter Trainer (F/SA/LIFT) aircraft.

Earlier today, National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana confirmed that a Philippine C-130 military transport aircraft flew to Arizona, United States to pick up munitions for PAF aircraft.

The said C-130 left the country June 23 and was back July 1


60 komentar:

  1. Good luck philippines

    1. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless bombing.

  2. Balasan
    1. Salamat dlm bahasa tagalog artinya, terima kasih.

      Maligayang bati dlm bhs kite artinya Salamat/Selamat/Slamet. yg ini cuco kyknya om πŸ˜‹

    2. wah bro palu..udah lama menghilang..tau2 udah jadi jurucakapnya mr duterte...

      tung tungg tungg

    3. kan abs liburan, nemenin nomer 44 pulang kampong haha!πŸ˜‰


      ente kgk nemenin mister najieb?

  3. Great Mavericks will be gd. Though i had a funny thought perhaps they should try using a hellfire missile on the plane although u normally see these mount on choppers amd drones. Useful when it comes to precision strike. Mavericks might be a bit to much. Still its gd so long as u waste it on terrorist nobody will mind lol.

    1. Does anyone knows of any fighter that uses a hellfire by chance?

    2. Brimstone use by RAF was develop from Hellfire.

    3. Not sure about that. Hellfire has this unique flight path where it climbs up first before using a (semi-)ballistic trajectory towards the target. You also losse the various seeker options that the Maverick has.

    4. Yes true. However the target is militants where this kind of capability might be unecessary and propably overkill. Even the hellfire which has a smaller warhead than the maverick is overkill. Hellfire is very useful as shown in middle east. Drones amd choppers normally use hellfire missile to engage terrorist. The use of it is still yet overkill where at times is used to kill a single militant. Still it is the reasonable option. If the PAF would try to the hellfire would be better for their operations. The hellfire is lighter, cheaper and smaller in size. So u can mount more hellfire on the fighter. It also reduces the chance of collateral damage significantly. It would be a win win. Mavericks would be preferable for military combat operations. Conventional warfare.

    5. 9K121 Vikhr from Russia would be better option if Pinoy have the technical capability to mount its on FA-50.

      This missiles used by Russian AF Su-25 and Kamov-52 helicopter

    6. Hmmm perhaps so. Integration will be difficult though.

  4. Looks like u can mount 6 of it on the plane

  5. The FA-50PH has two seats. The first / front seat must be the pilot seat. Then what is the function of the rear seat?

    The Indonesian has T-50i for the advanced trainer (LIFT), so the two seats of course have clear purpose.

    1. WSO perhaps? If they use the TV guided version, then you have someone other than the pilot that can guide it. Reduces the workload of the pilot quite a bit.

    2. Well it is a trainer as well as a light attack. So when conducting ops the person at the second seat will be a WSO who mann the weapons.

    3. umumnya disebut navigator,
      tp kalo diamrik,
      NFO-US Navy&marine
      bisa disebut jg,RIO, Radar Intercept Officer
      mengenai rio, silakan loncat kesini om, https://www.hobbymiliter.com/6537/mengenal-rio-pesawat-tempur-f-14-tomcat/

  6. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless bombing.

  7. Hoy darkside are you not happy now that our FA-50 are armed with missiles?

    1. Marky lumayag> yah happy... only 5 missile availabl that's what they can afford. Next 5 mavericks missile procurement is year 2022 by the time only 4 F/A50 is flying and the rest is grounded. Same old story from poornoy

  8. Nih ada hiburan keren, boleh ditonton sejenak.



    1. anak esde byk amir kgk disensor apeh, kudu pasang plang ☠️dont try this at home☠️,
      itu encing antiembalgo yg lg pamer otot kawat yak, uda pake sanblok blom?haha!pis om ✌️

      yg ini malah penjahit bikin heboh,metong ajah keren bgt yak didor aja byk gaya🎭.
      pdhl muda hura2,tuwa jarang,cmn banyakan yg game over muda haha!

      ☠️dont try this at home jg yak☠️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAgwF2rZ1L4

  9. the best strategy for marawi not fa50....but helli attack and supertucano....slow and more focus on target....jet fighter to fast

    1. Heli is good yes. Jets still can play a part in today's timeline as u see on the middleeast. Of course a heli can provide cover for men and attack the target. A jet just engages and moves off and await the next target.

    2. I think an armed scout or recon heli is gd enough. With small choppers it can fly nearer as well as transporting small teams onto buildings. A Huey gunship configuration can provide fire support as well since the PAF have hueys they could use it as a gunship it was useful during the vietnam war on assaulting enemy positions but it was tip top heavy. Better huey varients today could deal with that issue.

    3. We will for two years before thw super tucanos arrived. As of now OV -10 and AW-109 will do the job. The Philippine Air force might needs a heavy attack helicopters like Mi-35 for long endurance

    4. Heavy helicopters might be a waste as it consumes alot of fuel with such firepower it could level multiple buildings. Might be colletoral. Light, recon, scout will be useful. Heavy helis will help in conventional combat. If u wanna use a heavy heli to attack militants. Do so at their camp ahaha that would be fine.

  10. Fa 50 with maverick owh awesome...good job for philippine

  11. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless bombing.

    1. Wow....your persistency realy amaze me
      You remind me of suwandru

  12. you miss me??....oh so sweetttttt

  13. Bila NKRI mau hantar TNI buat perang kota di philipine?? Mr duterte udah kasi undangan tu..

    Dan singpore yg paling sering latihan urban warfare/fibua,punya aset paling moden di asean..bila mau kasi sumbangan?? ini medan terbaik utk dapat title batle proven..perdamaian asean artinya keuntungan buat singapore...

    1. Poornoy cant defend own country from illequip militant hahahahahaaa

    2. Dark Side Votre Gay..hahaha

    3. Dark Side Votre Gay..hahaha

    4. To be fair dark side. The militants are well equiped. Soldiers interviewed say this was different. The militants are not loosing ammunition and it seems they have stockpiles of it. Both sides have more or less the same firepower. In terms of numbers the army has slightly more. The only advantage they have are vehicles and fighters. However there isnt much the fighter can do as the militants are dug in inside the houses. Armoured vehicles is the main support but no matter what every armoured vehicle is vulnerable to rpg attacks. That add on wood armour might help a little as it is actually a good type of wood. Idk what its called. Does anyone know what type of wood it is?

  14. Om admin,,update berita doonk

  15. Good for Philippine. They are better armed forces as compared to Singkies.heheheThis Sinkies are expert and good in military also......... . very good in war simulator toys..hhhahhas.what a shameful country.

    1. This comment by you further strengthens my stand on the level of EQ and IQ u have. Im only interested in good and concrete discussions. People like you and darkside are nothing but black sheeps that brings disgrace to their nations and trying to ruin the ASEAN unity you are not helping nor u r not objective with your opinions. Pure daftness is shown when one gets carried away at attacking the country and bringing up senseless comparisons. Lem what is your problem ? Seriously be reasonable i want to solve your sourness.

    2. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless bombing.

  16. Good for Philippine. They are better armed forces as compared to Singkies.heheheThis Sinkies are expert and good in military also......... . very good in war simulator toys..hhhahhas.what a shameful country.

    1. Ill debunk your claim just to clarify your misunderstanding. Firstly its quite vague to say which armed forces is better. Generally it is smth that is not professional to do so. PAF has experience in war. Yes that is true however when was the last war they fought? Long time ago. It does not matter whether the fact u have experience as all this are nothing but history same for the men who fought they no longer serve the PAF as they are either retired or have passed on. Think forward and be a forward thinker. Today's fight is not those who fought during the korean war but a different generation of soldiers. That is a fact for all nations. The US fought in ww1, ww2, korean and vietnam. Vietnam was a turning point and the people lost the war. Few veterans from ww2 and korean were participating in vietnam most were newly young men a different generation. America was complacent to think that they have the know how to win. Yes you have the experience u can share that but at the end the men is different. Likewise PAF is not filled with vets same for many nations.

    2. Next point. Training is an important aspect. If a country has never participated in a comflict it is a good thing. Thats logical and sane. With this issues of prepadness and readiness comes in. Many nations in ASEAN have not been in large scale conflicts this is good. Only conflicts are skirmishes in philippines and myanmar. Other than that is the threat of terrorism. The best thing a nation can do is prepare thats normal and is the best way to get ready for emergencies. If u dont train than whats the purpose? PAF have a good experience in jungle warfare it is a fact. Who is betfer be it vietnam, indonesia or Malaysia is smth no one can say. Fact is PAF have the ability to conduct jungle warfare however in street fighting amd urbanwarfare it shows that little progress has been made as analyst have pointed out. There are constraints in urbam fighting than jungle warfare so logically it is not as easy as it seems. Reality in urban fighting no one is safe whichever side u r. Singapore Armed forces train in both urban and jungle warfare perhaps u can also say a dessert like or woodlands like environment as well. Ill tell u why later. Training in urban ops has led to a lot of change in doctorines and strategy. The SAF trains that in a multi mission range complex a place where men can hone their skills for CQB. There are multiple complex for such training. There will also be battlefield circuits and replicas of city and industrial estates for soldiers to train. Battlefield circuit has a range where infantry and platforms can work together in training like urban warfare where vehicles can provide support for them. Replicas of a city and a port will allow men to understand the environment better. This is normal at the end in times of peace teaining is the best u can do for yourselve. Like an exam u dont know what questions will come out the best u can do is practice and revise as well as plan. Its the same here just that it is more large scale.

    3. Your point on simulator training is complete senseless. Simulator training is the way forward. Advance militaries see this as a way to expand the scope of training ill tell u why. In your usual training where u do your normal business its the same at most u can modify or change your scenario a little. In simulator training you can create your own virtual training with different emvironments not just the same old place where u train many times over and over. This is exposure. If u cannot embrance technology to benefit you then you will not maximise the level of skill of your military. Technology is the way forward and is the future. Simulator training is advancing continuously and will be better. Even a video game has such high level of graphics if simulators have such realistic graphics and feel like a 4D experience than congrats your men will be more profecient and have more exposure. Today's simulator u can have a huge number of people participating in scenarios where large armour formations can participate. Even command can simulate a overview of an attack and plan on actions to be taken. It is like a massive strategy game. Still it is in the infacy. US have this where they can make scenarios of an attack.

    4. There is much you can do for simulator training however at the end of the day the only realism u cant get is live rounds, live firing and the physical feeling. This is where conventional training still has a place. It is a fact that tiny singapore is not lucky than the region which has lots of space for training. You can brag on that Lem. Well if thats the case the SAF and mindef being well aware of this setback decided during the 2nd generation of the SAF when the country was rapidly developing and training spaces will be smaller to make way for developments took the initiative to train overseas. The benefits is the military can still train. You have a better exposure, you can build relations with these nations and train together with them and finally u can train in a very large scale exercise. This was a win win solution and they have culture exchanges this developes friendship. The only setback is going to the destination for training as well as cost. The good leverage is by going far the SAF will be able to perform logistics even before training begins. This will help in better management of logistics and planning. Hence the training has begun even before it started. Earlier in one of my comment i mention about dessert areas and woodlands kind of area similar to jungle just trees that are taller and less dense jungles. The SAF trains alot and they go to many places. In france the airforce will train new pilots there with the m346 advance jet trainer. In Germany the armour formation trains there. The germans too will participate in the exercise and we know that german tank commanders are very good. Hence more learning opportunities. Next india the airforce train there together with the iaf as bilateral exercises there is also artillery training where the artillery formation gets to fire at such far distance which is not possible in singapore otherwise we would be shooting at our neighbours. Recently they renewed training and seek to enhance it. Next is south africa there ground based air defence unis train there in hitting their targets very useful. The next place is thailand. There is exercise kocha singa which is mainly motoriesd infantry as well as a shooting range for exercise held on both countries. There is cobra gold where the US army participates as well. Cope tiger is famous being a large scale trilatral exercise between the 3 airforces which also includes ground based air defence UAVs, tankers and airbourne early warning aircraft as well as helicopters participate in this exercise. Malapura and indopura are bilateral exercises with our neighbours. In brunei our airforce GBAD trains there as well as officer cadets. Next is guam our airforce recently were sent there for training together with the US airforce it is also going to include the us navy more focus on maritime ops. Then there is red flag which has a lot of exercises every year is the US. Being the most realistic and massive exercise in the US the rsaf defitnely participates such exercises that are very realistic. There is maple flag as well which is based in canada similar to redflag. In the US the rsaf trains there in the long term with detachments there where they can train at their range . There is exercise forging sabre a airforce and army exercise in the us. Where himars and commandos as well as fighers perform a effective attack on targets in one swoop. Which is not easy as u think it is. Next is rimpac which is a naval exercise at hawaii a very large scale. Singapore navy was commanding a task force of other ships which was a first as normally US and NATO members do that role. Then we have exercise thunder warrior a combined arty exercise. There are talks for the airforce to train there as well. There is taiwan where we dont know much on the type of exercise most likely infantry.

    5. mr benjamin

      Why dont SAF send militery personel to help Pinoy?? or at least offer for help....maybe mr duterte will open the door for SAF like what he did to TNI..it will be the best live fire exercise for singapore trust me..

    6. We did. You should watch the video of the defence minister during saf day. He has said that. I doubt phillippine would accept the offer. Afterall they can manage marawi. Its not like the terrorist are winning. We also said we r willing to participate in join patrols tgt with phillippine, malaysia and indonesia. However we are only allowed as an observer.

    7. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless MOLOTOV COCKTAIL bombing.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  17. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless bombing.

  18. What the fu*k singaporn. Its not video game. This is real war. Not easy to say Bla Bla..

    1. Its not easy. Simulation allows the military to be flexible in scenarios hence having a better understanding in strategies and improving training. The only part that simulation needs to improve is quality of graphics and environment to simulate real time environment.

    2. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless bombing.

  19. the best jet fighter is from malaysie....fitur enjin but not with enjin kih kih

    1. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless bombing.

    2. Fighting in Marawi City in the southern Philippines entered its fourth week on Tuesday with military officials conceding that troops were struggling to loosen the grip of Islamist fighters on downtown precincts despite relentless MOLOTOV COCKTAIL bombing.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Enough of this nonsense darkside it is annoying and boring news.

  20. They use molotov cocktail for bombing benjamin😁 hahahahaahahaaaa🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  21. Thats normal. Even in fights and protest molotov cocktails are used. If it works it aint stupid its simple.
